Cruvita, LLC
Cruvita, LLC
Visit Website

Industry: Real Estate

Founded: 2014

Cruvita, LLC d/b/a is a real estate site that focuses on the need of parents that are planning on having children, are expecting children or have children and are looking for the best home to buy with the best schools.

Cruvita has over 80,000 public schools ranked in the United States.   For details on how the schools are ranked please read this article.  

Cruvita currently serves real estate listings in the following metro markets:

  • Washington, D.C. Metro Area
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Raleigh-Durham
  • Hampton Roads, VA
  • Palm Beach, FL

A full city list can be found here

If you need additional information on Cruvita, you can call 844.CRUVITA or email